The Dorchester County Transportation Sales Tax Program is our path to progress for a thriving and mobile Dorchester County that connects our community.
The 2022 Dorchester County Transportation Sales Tax allows the County to make significant strides in addressing current and future transportation needs in Dorchester County.
Dorchester County’s Transportation Sales Tax Program will fund road improvement projects of local and regional significance, dirt road paving projects, pavement preservation, and intersection and safety improvement projects. We are committed to paving the way toward progress and providing better transportation solutions for the community.
Keep up to date with program progress and spending by viewing our Major Projects Dashboard below. The embedded Power BI Dashboards can be viewed in full screen by clicking the arrow
More information on our dirt road paving projects can be found on the Dirt Road Paving page.
To see more information about our projects, click the colored roads on the map below. Click on the legend
Dirt Road Paving Projects can be viewed on our Dirt Road Paving page.
Take a look at our projects, timeline, project status, and more using the links below.